
Showing posts from September 17, 2006

9/11 and War Against Global Terror

Couple of days ago the world remembered the victims of the bombing of the World Trade Centre, Pentagon and other terror targets of 11 Sept 2001. This year was significant becase it was 5 years since the day. Its been 5 year since the world suddered at the horror of the incedent and over 5 years since the efforts to bring the perpetrators of this henious crime to justice started. As of the day prior to the anniversary of the bombings one of the planners was back on TV continuing to saber rattle the world. The back ground to the video was a well stocked library which obvoiusly indicates that he is in some safe house and not running from the forces tackling terror. Part of the reason why some the the folks responsible for the attacks of 9/11 have not been brought to justice has been the necessisities of Business  and Foreign Policy. These necessities limit the action that countries can take against powers that are harbouring and aiding terror. A classic example of this nexus between b...