
Showing posts from August 19, 2007 :: Test of a nation

This is a very balanced article in weather testing is required or not. Worth a read. :: Test of a nation

The Nuclear Debate

The CPI is meeting today to finalise the next course of action IF the government continues with Operationalisation of the 123 Agreement. Frankly the people of India should care a damn about the same. I think MMS needs to hold fast and keep the momentum. The possiblity of the Coomis calling the bluff is pretty remote. Lets analyse the reasons for the same: The recent Nandigram Tragedy has put the commi's onto a weak foot in their own home territory of West Bengal. Their own position in Kerala is also not worth writing home about. The Coomis will be making common cause with the NDA. That will expose their true nature, so the possibility of they doing so is remote. If the NDA and the Commis can't make common cause the congress can continue in Power till the next General Election even though it will be a minority Government. The NDA with a fractured leadership is not and does not want a mid term election. Consequently all one can say is that "LET THE HEADLESS CHICKENS RUN AROU...

The Web Campaign for Ensuring Energy Security of India a.k.a The Nuclear Deal

Lets have a Web campaign just like the Youth for Equality did for the OBC reservation legislation For a change lets use the web to support the government.. Any thought are welcome Powered by ScribeFire .

Hold Tight Mate

Hold tight mate... Well thats my message to the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers. This Nuclear Agreement has to be operationalized and these is no going back on that. My guess is that the Chinese will announce a similar deal with Pakistan in the coming 2-3 weeks and then the dust will settle down. The only difference will be that the Chinese move will not have the blessings of the IAEA and the NSG and will further isolate Pakistan in the global diplomatic circles. If that was to happen then I guess we should send all of our Communist Brothers across the border. The reason will be as follows: Well if the Sino-PAK agreement was to take place, Pakistan will get further isolated and will be forced to give up its sovereignty in the TRUEST SENSE. Our commi brothers will then have a legitimate cause to fight for. The Chinese will require a whole bunch of Politburo members to run the place called Pakistan. Where else other then India will they get indiginised and loyal communist...

The Nuclear Agreement

This evening the government announced that they will setup a panel to discuss the agreement with the Commi's. I say lets stop talking to a bunch of people who lack maturity, a sense of balance and purpose. I completely agree with one of the negotiators when he said that the agreement cannot be changed for a bunch of politicians who lack personal self esteem and further lack confidence that the people who negotiated the agreement are well wishers of the country. In my opinion the government carry out the following activities: Make available the test of the agreement to the people. Explain the agreement to the common folks in simple language. Tell them the process that needs to be completed before the agreement come to force. Tell the people the benefits that this agreement will bring to the country in the long run and explain How and why this is critical to us. List out the alternatives that are being proposed by the Commi's and tell people why they are irrational. Share with th...