INDO US Nuclear Agreement
Lets all accept a few facts: All of the Key Civilian Indian Nuclear Reactors are running at less then their rated capacity. The main reason for this is lack of quality fuel. We got some emergency shipments from Russia last year but those stocks will not last for ever. WE DON'T HAVE TOO MANY CHOICES. Read the 123 agreement carefully along with the Henry Hyde Act. While there is a provision for termination of the agreement this requires a determination by the President of USA that the suspension/termination will not harm the interests of the USA. The stakes for both India and US are substantially raised in the event of the termination of the agreement. The Agreement has been created basis the explicit acceptance by the USA that India is a responsible Nuclear Power. Testing for the sake of testing is not-responsible. If testing of a nuclear device has to be carried out by India in the present geopolitical scenerio that would happen only of China was to take a offensive posture. N...