Independence Day

Hi All,

Its been some time since I updated my blog so I thought of posting some of my thoughts on the 59th Independence day of India.

Today India celebrated its 59th Day of Independence. On 15th Aug 1947 India gained Independence from British Rule. The country has come a long way since then, form being a agrarian economy where the farmers were at the mercy of Monsoon Rains every year, India today is on the verge of becoming a major economic power globally.

However, if India needs to make it as a global economic power we need to achieve the following:
  • Continued sustained investment in Education, Infrastructure and nutritional security.
  • A sustained economic growth rate of between 8-10%.
  • Greater economic equality through affirmative action, better implementation of government programs.
A key requisite for achieving the above mentioned economic imperitives requires India to take up another struggle for Independence. This Independence movement would be freedom from middle men and corruption.
Our ex-Prime Minister Late Mr Rajiv Gandhi had once commented that of every Rupee spent on development only 15 Paisa reach the poor. That is indeed a cause of dispair since we are speaking of a 85% leakage in the development resources. Resources which are targetted at the poorest of the poor in the country. Corruption and leakage of monies designated for the upliftment of poor amounts not just to an economic offence but rather an act of sabotage against the integrity and unity of India. The time has come for the same to be treated as a capital offence.
Perhaps the Government needs to act another metric to how it measures development. An metric where we measure how much of the Rupee spent on development actually reaches the poor. As a country we need to start measuring and asking for a double digit growth rate in the delivery of development monies to the poor. Only this will help us develop the necessary Infrastructure, provide nutritional security to poor, and bring about economic and social equality.

Else a couple of decades from now we will look back and say that on the 15th Aug 1947 we attained our freedom from the British Rule but in the next couple of years were enslaved by corruption.

Happy Independence Day.
Lets all get together start our struggle against inequality, ignorance, corruption and poverty.

Pushkar Bhat


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