The Nuclear Debate
The CPI is meeting today to finalise the next course of action IF the government continues with Operationalisation of the 123 Agreement. Frankly the people of India should care a damn about the same. I think MMS needs to hold fast and keep the momentum. The possiblity of the Coomis calling the bluff is pretty remote. Lets analyse the reasons for the same: The recent Nandigram Tragedy has put the commi's onto a weak foot in their own home territory of West Bengal. Their own position in Kerala is also not worth writing home about. The Coomis will be making common cause with the NDA. That will expose their true nature, so the possibility of they doing so is remote. If the NDA and the Commis can't make common cause the congress can continue in Power till the next General Election even though it will be a minority Government. The NDA with a fractured leadership is not and does not want a mid term election. Consequently all one can say is that "LET THE HEADLESS CHICKENS RUN AROU...