Salvation for Pune Roads

Hi All,

At last Pune roads will finally get redemption and salvation by the 30th Nov 2006. That being the date fixed by the Mumbai High Court for getting all roads pot hole free. Thats provided the officials in the Pune Municipal Corporation deem it reasonable to comply with the court orders..

Some friends have already tried gandhigiri and not seen success till date. Gandhi Ji has told us that it the opponent attacks you and slaps you on one side of the face show him the other. He obviously has not told us if the A**H@!$ attacks you the second time. Then I guess it time to revert back to Circuit Giri.

Lets see who becomes circuit this time - The People or the Court. Either ways we need more Circuits to get some sense into the heads of these "Government Servents". Maybe some Circuit procedures to perforate their heads will help in the Osmosis Process...

Cheers till then,

Pushkar Bhat


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