Independence Day 2007

I have been looking back over the last 5 years trying to recollect what has changes in all of this time. Has india moved forward or has it recessed into some thing thats difficult to describe.. At the end of all the thought process there are even more questions then there are answers. Yet there are some conclusions that once can reach:
  1. Inequality in India has increased for sure. The Rich are becoming super rich. The Poor become super poor. The middle class end up paying for every one i.e. the Super Rich and the Super Poor.

  2. The triad of the Politicians, the Bureaucrats and the Businessmen is out to sell this country to the highest bidder. Corruption if at all is becoming more and more rampant. Okey some folks will claim that corruption has decreased but one needs to put things in perspective. One of the most vibrant sectors of the economy is real estate development, and if one was to look around we find that the lobby of Bureaucrats, Builders and Politicians typically bend all rules at the cost of amenities that the common man requires. These are the people who de-reserve land that has been originally set aside for play grounds and schools, the same people manage to get permissions for building office complexes and shopping arcades on land set aside for hospitals and health centres. They get away by charging the Tax paying middle class for shoody quality of road construction.

    Yes, Indeed corruption of one type has come down, but the middle class now pays these lobbies not through petty bribes of Rs 100-150 but rather through leakages in the development budgets.

  3. For the last 3 budgets the Indian Middle class has been hearing that development does not happen for every one at the same time. The UPA government has as a matter of fact not delivered development for any one except for the super rich. The Federal and State Governments have not delivered to either the super poor due to the huge leakages in funding, nor has it delivered to the Middle class who have funded the growth of the country for the past 20-25 years. This country has only delivered growth to the super rich by lining their pockets with more money. Mr. Finance Minister and Mr Prime Minister the UPA government needs to start delivering to the Middle class now.
Having made these comments its also worth recognizing that India has actually progressed a lot in the last 60 Years. As a friend very aptly said freedom and I mean Real Freedom will occur only when every Indian has the freedom to think and act to maximise the good of his nation, his society and himself always in that order. Today we don't stand at that threshold and as Indians we will have to strive to reach there.


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