INDO US Nuclear Agreement

Lets all accept a few facts:
  1. All of the Key Civilian Indian Nuclear Reactors are running at less then their rated capacity. The main reason for this is lack of quality fuel. We got some emergency shipments from Russia last year but those stocks will not last for ever. WE DON'T HAVE TOO MANY CHOICES.

  2. Read the 123 agreement carefully along with the Henry Hyde Act. While there is a provision for termination of the agreement this requires a determination by the President of USA that the suspension/termination will not harm the interests of the USA. The stakes for both India and US are substantially raised in the event of the termination of the agreement. The Agreement has been created basis the explicit acceptance by the USA that India is a responsible Nuclear Power. Testing for the sake of testing is not-responsible. If testing of a nuclear device has to be carried out by India in the present geopolitical scenerio that would happen only of China was to take a offensive posture. Now read between the line - That scenerio is also not good for USA. So the President of USA will have to make a determination on weather termination of the agreement will be harmful to the National Interests of USA.

  3. Long term Energy security of India is going to be more ciritical for India to continue on a sustainable growth path. This will mean access to stable, long term and clean energy sources. Disparity and unequality in India can be decreased only through sustained and equitable economic growth. Fossile based fuel sources may not be sustainable over a extended time horizon. All the people entering this debate need to understand that its economic power that will determine the resources that we will have at out disposal in the eventuality of a Dooms day scenario. Energy security will also determine long term sovereignty's rather then the Nuclear bombs.

  4. Its assumed that in the future Nuclear testing will not be required. Even if required the warheads could be sub-kilo tonne warheads that could be carried out with out detection. Further computer simulation technologies using COTS frameworks exist even today. For those who don't understand what I am saying check out the Nigara Chip from SUN Microsystems Line up 128 node of that using a Grid Manager and with some nice C++ coding from our System Integrators we will have a platform in place.

  5. Analyze the news, guys there is a uncanny consistancy beetween the words coming out of China and from Comarade Bardhan & COMPANY. The COMMIS seem to be taking orders form the other side of the border. Lets give then the right to determine their national alligence and with either choices they should be locked up and sent to KALA PANI.

Its time that the Wagha Candle lighters, the Chinese and the COMMIS kept their trap shut.


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