The CPI is meeting today to finalise the next course of action IF the government continues with Operationalisation of the 123 Agreement. Frankly the people of India should care a damn about the same. I think MMS needs to hold fast and keep the momentum. The possiblity of the Coomis calling the bluff is pretty remote. Lets analyse the reasons for the same: The recent Nandigram Tragedy has put the commi's onto a weak foot in their own home territory of West Bengal. Their own position in Kerala is also not worth writing home about. The Coomis will be making common cause with the NDA. That will expose their true nature, so the possibility of they doing so is remote. If the NDA and the Commis can't make common cause the congress can continue in Power till the next General Election even though it will be a minority Government. The NDA with a fractured leadership is not and does not want a mid term election. Consequently all one can say is that "LET THE HEADLESS CHICKENS RUN AROU...
Managing access to business critical information has long been a challenge faced by CXO's across the world more so because the leakage of business critical information can lead to major ramification for organizations. To help overcome this precise challenge Microsoft Office 2007 provides a comprehensive and cost effective platform for ensure that the right information is made available to right people in a secure manner. The key benefit of Information Rights Management (IRM) is that it is far more secure than passwords as long as the security of the digital certificates is not compromised. Further the system also supports Document Life cycle management. Information Rights Management (IRM) allows individuals and administrators to specify access permissions to documents, workbooks, and presentations across their life cycle. This helps prevent sensitive information from being printed, forwarded, or copied by unauthorized people. After permission for a file has been restricted by using...
The agitation continues.. As Delhi burns our Nero continues to fiddle. Personally I have been a great admirer of the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. So its some time difficult to imagine this quite and well meaning Gentleman being made to handle the mess that has been created by his peers. But I think he is a survivor and will come out of this challange much stronger. The time has come for Congress (I) to implemented Kamaraj Plan II. These old not so functional leaders who have provided great service to the nation need to be asked to retire and go home (and do some party work). Only time will tell how things will turnout but I hope the students don't give up. They are our only beacon hope. Have been monitering the blog these people have put up and whats interesting is the diverse reactions that have been coming from folks. Also surprising is the stony silence that is being maintained by both Youth for Equality and the Government. Is something cooking. Maybe the next few days wil...