The Nuclear Agreement

This evening the government announced that they will setup a panel to discuss the agreement with the Commi's. I say lets stop talking to a bunch of people who lack maturity, a sense of balance and purpose. I completely agree with one of the negotiators when he said that the agreement cannot be changed for a bunch of politicians who lack personal self esteem and further lack confidence that the people who negotiated the agreement are well wishers of the country.

In my opinion the government carry out the following activities:
  1. Make available the test of the agreement to the people.
  2. Explain the agreement to the common folks in simple language. Tell them the process that needs to be completed before the agreement come to force.
  3. Tell the people the benefits that this agreement will bring to the country in the long run and explain How and why this is critical to us.
  4. List out the alternatives that are being proposed by the Commi's and tell people why they are irrational.
  5. Share with the people the list of Friendly Nuclear powers who support the agreement
    and also tell them why?
  6. Explain to the common man that every country more so a democracy has the Sovereign right to enact its own laws. These laws including the Henry Hyde Act were proposed and enacted by a democratically elected House of representatives. The US House and Senate has passed just such a act.
  7. The government needs to explain to our people that this agreement is not a sell off to the US or by the US. Both India and USA has conceded and accommodated the realities on the ground in India and the USA. Some concessions that the USA has made are going to get their folks a lot of Flak but in the opinion of the government these concessions are best made in the larger interest of the country.
  8. Its also important that the Government disclose and make public the close links between the Chinese Communist Party and Communist Party of India and its other brothers.
After they have finished with this list they should stop wasting time in convincing the Communist's in the country and get to the business of providing good governance that this country desperately requires.

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