Hold Tight Mate

Hold tight mate...

Well thats my message to the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers. This Nuclear Agreement has to be operationalized and these is no going back on that. My guess is that the Chinese will announce a similar deal with Pakistan in the coming 2-3 weeks and then the dust will settle down. The only difference will be that the Chinese move will not have the blessings of the IAEA and the NSG and will further isolate Pakistan in the global diplomatic circles. If that was to happen then I guess we should send all of our Communist Brothers across the border. The reason will be as follows:
  1. Well if the Sino-PAK agreement was to take place, Pakistan will get further isolated and will be forced to give up its sovereignty in the TRUEST SENSE. Our commi brothers will then have a legitimate cause to fight for.

  2. The Chinese will require a whole bunch of Politburo members to run the place called Pakistan. Where else other then India will they get indiginised and loyal communist who can survive long tenures in the Indian Subcontinent. :-)
I guess the storm will pass pretty soon... May be a couple of weeks.. So HOLD ON MATES and FAIR WEATHER will reach us.. For we are blessed by the lord.

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